barcelonetasuites would like to ask you to make responsible use of resources during your stay with us:
Responsible use of water and electricity
Set the air conditioner to achieve cooling thermal comfort. The recommended temperature for an optimal energy efficiency ratio is 22°C. When the AC is turned on, do not leave the windows.
Make responsible use of water and electricity. Tum off the faucet whilst lathering with soap in the shower or brushing your teeth in the sink. Be careful not to leave the interior and exterior lights on during the day or when you are not in the accommodation.
Throughout the municipality there are several recycling points. Remember, the blue container is for paper and cardboard the yellow one is for plastic containers, the green one is for glass and the brown one is for food waste the rest can be thrown in the gray container.
Do not throw plastic objects, wet wipes, pads and the like in the WC. These products are not biodegradable and will reach the sea and our beaches.
When you visit the natural sites of the beaches/parks or when strolling in the area and city don't leave any waste behind you.

Al salir del apartamento, deja la luz apagada.

Queremos pedirte que durante tu estancia con nosotros hagas un uso responsable de los recursos